your transformation starts here.
fitness app by Marvin Achi

12 Months
Billed annually at $119.88 (30% off)
Save $60/year
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All-access pass to premium features
Train at the gym, home or simply with just dumbbels
What to Eat? Select from hundreds of delicious meals
Train properly with directional videos for every exercise
Daily Dumbbell only exercises for each muscle group
Instant access to my regularly updated programs
In-App Direct Messaging & Group chat feature

Transform your
body with zindu
Your dream body starts now. Get started with your transformation today with game changing workout plans that can be done at the gym or at home with just dumbbells, easy to prep healthy meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks), full body stretches, group & private chat, track your progress, exercise videos, tips, and more! What are you waiting for? Start transforming your body today.

Tips and tactics
Boost your progress with expert tips and strategies to enhance your workouts, recovery, meals and results
gym, home or dumbbells
Workouts designed for everyone. Train at the gym with equipment, at home, or with just dumbbells
Discover meals and recipes for every occasion. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, smoothies, and more to fuel your fitness journey
Let's Chat
Ask questions and get personal messages from me through the chat feature
more about marvin
Marvin Achi also known as Shredded to the core, a name which is more so a goal he set for himself during his body transformation period while everyone called him "Starving Marvin".
He is also a Fitness Model, USA Physique Champion and Chemical Engineer with additional degrees in Mathematics & Chemistry.
His passion and science background alongside 10+ years of consistent training has equipped him with knowledge in understanding & mastering the science of Weight loss, Muscle gain and building an attractive physique. Marvin is now sharing his knowledge and expertise with the world by offering the exact strategy he used to transform not only himself but also transforming the bodies, lifestyles & mindsets of countless others in as few as 3 months, which he emphasizes is more than enough time period to see amazing transformation.
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